The kids have finished school, the presents are *almost* wrapped and 2020 is finally drawing to a close!
I just wanted to take a minute to express my gratitude for your support over the last 12 months.
I haven't slowed down enough yet to really reflect on the year that was, but I can say for sure that 2020 has been a wild ride! I can't think of a year with more twists and turns, or a time where I've had to dig as deep just to keep going.
I'm so proud of my team for continuing to do their best despite the uncertainty. We've had to learn a new skill set to function as an online-only business, then transition back to face-to-face retail. We've had to figure out how to streamline our inventory systems to cope with less staff, fewer hours and density restrictions. We've been fortunate to have been able to find a solution for just about every problem, and even managed to keep smiling!
Most of all, I'm so grateful for customers like you, who have stuck with us. For everyone who ordered online, sent us an encouraging message, or liked our social media posts. For everyone that rushed back to see us when we could *finally* reopen. We're lucky to be in a community that deeply appreciates the unique value that small businesses bring. I've never seen or felt so much small-business love and it warms my heart!
So, I hope you have a well-earned rest this holiday season. I hope Santa brings you exactly what you wanted (even if that's just an hour alone to read a book!) and I wish you and your family a safe, happy and slightly less eventful 2021!
Lots of love,
Kiri from Use-Ta!
Kiri Gorter