❄️ Survive the Chill: Maintenance Tips to Extend the Life of Your Child's Winter Gear

❄️ Survive the Chill: Maintenance Tips to Extend the Life of Your Child's Winter Gear

Like it or not, the cooler weather has definitely arrived, and with it, knit-wear, cosy jackets, beanies and boots!   We all know how quickly children outgrow their clothes, especially...
Kiri Gorter
How we're reducing plastic at Use-Ta!

How we're reducing plastic at Use-Ta!

Anyone who has ever worked in retail will tell you how plastic-heavy retail can be. Because we mainly sell second hand items, we don't have the mountains of plastic that...
Kiri Gorter
Nailing a plastic-free Birthday Party 🎉🎊🎈

Nailing a plastic-free Birthday Party 🎉🎊🎈

It felt so easy to have this kind of party – everything just went into the bin at the end of the day. But then I’d look at the shameful amount of garbage and be a bit embarrassed. Sometimes I even made grandparents take a bag of trash that wouldn’t fit in my bin home with them.

This year, I tried something different

Why do our customers love shopping with us?

Why do our customers love shopping with us?

 Hi! I’m Frances. I’m a big fan of Use-Ta!, so I’m super happy to be writing this. I’ve got two kidlets – a boy who is 8 and a...
Kiri Gorter
Super Quick Kid's Wardrobe Clearout

Super Quick Kid's Wardrobe Clearout

Need to clean out the kids' wardobes? 
After two kids and repeating this process many, many times, I think I've gotten it down to a fine art. Here's my step-by-step process to clean out those cupboards.
Kiri Gorter
Meet our new baby!

Meet our new baby!

If you've been following our socials this will come as no surprise, we recently shared that Use-Ta! has welcomed a new addition to the family! And yes, one of our...
Kiri Gorter
All-rounder needed

All-rounder needed

We're looking for an energetic casual sales and customer service assistant/all rounder to work 2 days a week. Use-Ta! is a preloved children's wear store, where we're committed to creating...
Kiri Gorter
Working with St Kilda Mums

Working with St Kilda Mums

Working with St Kilda Mums All about our work with St Kilda Mums!        St Kilda Mums re-home baby equipment like prams, cots, car seats and secondhand clothing to...
Consignments 101

Consignments 101

SHOP NOW Consignments 101 A big hello to our newest team member!   Introducing Mary! Mary is an all-around angel, she will be filling in for Megan while she is on...
Kiri Gorter
Work with Us! Inventory Assistant Needed!

Work with Us! Inventory Assistant Needed!

Inventory Assistant - Maternity Leave Cover Use-Ta! Are you looking for a job you can feel good about? Use-Ta! is a preloved children's wear store, where we're committed to creating...
Kiri Gorter
Let's chat preloved baby clothes!

Let's chat preloved baby clothes!

Why buy second-hand baby clothes?

There are a lot of reasons why used baby clothes are a better alternative to buying new:

1.    It’s good for your wallet. Second-hand baby clothes often cost less than half the price of buying new. And given there is a whole heap of expected and unexpected expenses when baby comes along, it’s nice to save a bit of cash here and there.

2.    It’s good for the planet. We know fashion is a pretty resource heavy industry. The more wear we can get out of every piece of clothing, the better it is for the environment. Buying secondhand clothes not only stops things going into landfill, but it also means fewer resources to grow and make new ones.

Kiri Gorter
Ready to get back to school?

Ready to get back to school?

It doesn't matter if you're getting ready to send your little one off to prep, or you're an old-hat when it comes to the school routine- getting back into it after the long summer break can be stressful!

Check out our top-tips on making the journey back to school easier for you, and your little one! 

Kiri Gorter